The Legacy of Dr. Jack Green

The history of STCH Ministries is not complete without the mention of Dr. A. J. “Jack” Green, Jr. As a visionary leader with a heart for children in need, Dr. Green’s legacy reaches through the decades and impacts all aspects of operations, management and programming. He dedicated his life to STCH Ministries, and the rich heritage endowed to campus residents and staff members is strong and secure. After a lifetime of service to his family, the church and STCH Ministries, Dr. Green passed away on November 9, 2020, at the age of 89.

FOLLOWING A CALL TO MINISTRY in his teenage years, Dr. Green studied at Baylor University and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Years later, he received an honorary Doctor of Divinity from the University of Corpus Christi. He established his pastoral career within four Texas churches: Hay Valley Baptist Church in Gatesville, Walnut Springs Baptist Church in Bosque County, Baptist Temple in Uvalde and Shearer Hills Baptist Church in San Antonio. While serving as a STCH Ministries trustee in 1973, the board called for Dr. Green to assume the role of executive director when Rev. Jess Lunsford retired. The announcement came as a surprise to his congregation. Dr. Green formally stepped down from the pulpit and redirected his career to the leadership and care of the community’s most vulnerable children at STCH Ministries.

With a new adventure on the horizon, Dr. Green and his wife, Bobbie, moved with their three children to Boothe Campus. While hiring his team, Dr. Green selected a familiar face to serve as STCH Ministries’ resident director. Homer Hanna, the associate pastor from Shearer Hills Baptist Church, stepped in to fill this position and serve as right-hand man to the executive director. “He was great to work for. He was always just himself,” said Hanna. “When we would go out, the first thing he would say is, ‘I wonder how many of these people know Jesus.’ He always had an evangelistic bend to him. He always wanted to reach people for the Lord.”

It’s often said that Dr. Green never met a stranger. With his charismatic personality and purpose-driven approach to networking, he became friends with everyone in the room every time he entered a room. Within these circles, Dr. Green spread the word about the children’s home—all while wearing his STCH Ministries hat. He initiated authentic conversations, and acquaintances turned into personal and professional contacts. “Jack was a relationship guy,” says Gary Jones, STCH Ministries’ vice president of land management. “He never met a stranger, and that was his best quality.”

While it’s common to hear someone self-identify as a people-person, Dr. Green took things one step further. Not only did he understand the value of relationships, but he leveraged these connections to broadcast ministry updates and heartwarming stories on behalf of the organization. Dr. Green made it his mission to help people engage. Hanna said, “He always told me I needed to wear my STCH Ministries hat because people would ask me about it, and I would get to tell them about the amazing work we were doing.” These conversations with strangers provided consistent opportunities to share anecdotal evidence of God’s presence and guidance through campus work.

With a shared surname but no biological relation, Eron Green, president and CEO of STCH Ministries, recalls moments when Dr. Green joked about their matching last names and the recurring questions from others. Turning to his legacy, Eron Green reflected on the former executive director’s approach to personal conviction, saying, “Jack was a very certain person, there was no gray.” He continued, “His leadership had a profound impact during his tenure and that impact continues to this day.” While recalling his character, others echoed similar sentiments. “Jack never questioned his beliefs or values,” said John Weber, STCH Ministries’ board chairman. “He was larger than life, and he was the face of the organization. He lived and breathed STCH Ministries almost to the exclusion of everything else. People equated the organization to Jack Green.”

With no prior programming experience, Dr. Green pioneered the launch of the counseling ministry in 1996—a cutting-edge venture in its day. Without a background in this field, Dr. Green hired the right people to lay the groundwork for its initial offerings. From inception, this initiative provided a safe space for local families to find healing. Today, its continued purpose is unwavering as the counseling ministry reaches new heights. Mark Childs, program specialist at STCH Ministries, noted, “I am thankful for Jack Green and all of our leaders and their prayerful leadership that continues to bless STCH Ministries in the past, today and in the future.”

Dr. Green loved the country, and he fully embraced farm and ranch life. In the 1970s and 1980s, he expanded the organization’s connection with the ranching community. Childs recently recalled a poignant conversation with Dr. Green in a difficult season where finances were tight and budgeting concerns loomed. With decisions at hand that would affect the future of the organization, Dr. Green chose to prioritize the land entrusted to his care. Sensing God’s direction, he placed great value on STCH Ministries’ existing property, saying, “I know God gave us these properties for a reason, and it may be in the future before we realize how important they are.” To this day, this conversation is not forgotten.

Dr. Green retired in 1998 following 25 years of service. Throughout retirement, he remained highly engaged with STCH Ministries, attending board meetings and sharing wisdom with staff members and program residents. Weber recently summarized Dr. Green’s legacy, saying, “The best thing to say about Jack is that he was the right person at the right time. He was laser focused on the children’s home and on giving it a long-term financial footing. Obviously without Laura Boothe and Rev. Jess Lunsford there would be no STCH Ministries, but Jack was the handpicked person for this role.”

The people closest to Dr. Green remember him as the mastermind and architect behind the organization’s success. His forward-thinking ideas and passion for excellence filtered through the campus and inspired the community as a whole. Even in its lean years, Dr. Green believed in STCH Ministries, and his work laid the foundation for today’s accomplishments and expansion projects. “He was focused on building up an endowment to cement the financial stability of STCH Ministries,” said Weber. Following his passing, others in leadership noted that Dr. Green did not fully grasp the immensity and impact of his dedication in the early years. “His legacy is profound,” remarked Eron Green. “Until the day he died, he still wanted to help children and families in their time of need.”

This legacy may be communicated most clearly through the words of a 16-year-old girl who lived in one of the cottages on campus in the mid-90s. She took the time to write a handwritten letter to Dr. Green that said, “People like you are what make living here so special. Keep doing what you’re doing for these kids. Working with kids is going to be my life, so we’ve got something special in common.” Dr. Green cared for the marginalized children and families within his community. He inspired the people around him to do great things. And he dedicated his life to the development and sustainability of STCH Ministries for generations to come.