Learning to Let Go

Danielle, a Phase II resident at Homes for Families, wrestled with substance abuse for years. She thought she had overcome the problem after working through a recovery program and surrendering her life to Jesus several years ago. During that time, she divorced her husband and fought for custody of her daughters; Alexi, 6 and Jess, 15. She obtained sobriety long enough to keep her daughters, start college classes and begin to build a new life. However, anxiety overwhelmed her and prescription pills tempted her to believe they would take her cares away.

Danielle recognized the danger she faced. Child Protective Services had been in and out of her life and she worried another slip up would result in permanent loss of her girls. Although she had not prioritized her relationship with Jesus, she knew it was His presence in her heart that helped her remember the steps she had learned in the first recovery program. She contacted Theresa Klacman, Director of STCH Ministries Homes for Families and explained her fears. Theresa encouraged Danielle to apply for the program.

“All my dysfunction and brokenness spilled over into my children’s lives,” Danielle said. Her oldest daughter Jess began to struggle with cutting, self-mutilation and suicidal thoughts. Due to this, Danielle placed Jess into the residential program at Restoration House Ministries in Victoria. As she watched her daughter submit to God and become healthier, Danielle found the courage to move to Homes for Families and get more help for herself. She sold everything from her apartment and moved to the Marshall Ranch Campus on September 2, 2019.

Recently, Alexi approached Danielle with her coloring book and asked her mom to rip out a page for her. But Alexi wouldn’t let go of the coloring book. Baffled, Danielle told her, “I can’t take it out if you don’t give it to me.” At that exact moment Danielle heard God speak to her, for the Lord to remove her hurt from her past, she must first give it to Him.

In the few months she has been in the program, Danielle has felt loved, supported and most importantly, safe. She relies on her resident coordinator for counsel, knowing she can talk about anything and helps her to trust she will overcome the bad habits of her previous lifestyle. Bible study, professional Christian counseling and a nurturing environment allow Danielle to work through and process her issues as God helps her to understand them. She is learning to change old thoughts and behaviors by replacing them with healthy practices through prayer and the supportive staff at Homes for Families.

As she considers the future, Danielle hopes to return to nursing school, but knows she needs time to truly heal. She asks for prayer as she continues to seek God’s direction for her family. Danielle knows that the last time she committed to the challenging work of changing her life, she quit too soon. This time, she is determined to wait on God and do it right. Will you pray with and for her?