Double Your Impact: Become a Partner in Hope to Transform Lives!

At STCH Ministries, we witness daily the incredible power of community and generosity. We see children finding healing, mothers receiving the support they desperately need and families being restored through God’s love and truth. These transformations are only possible because of compassionate individuals like you. Today, we invite you to become a Partner in Hope and be part of something truly life changing. 

Josh’s Story

The Story of Josh at Homes for Children 

Josh’s life was transformed when he came to STCH Ministries’ Homes for Children, just after becoming a Christian. Before arriving, his family faced significant financial struggles and he lacked support. At Homes for Children, he found stability, love and guidance, which helped his faith grow rapidly and brought hope into his life. With the support of his houseparents and the ministry, Josh matured and found direction.  

Now, studying social work in college, Justin aims to help others as he was helped. He attributes his changed life to the comprehensive support he received through STCH Ministries, and he is deeply grateful to the donors whose generosity made that possible. 

The Power of Monthly Giving 

Being a Partner in Hope means making a monthly contribution of any amount to sustain our ministries and provide for children like Josh. Your consistent support helps us meet immediate needs and plan for the future, ensuring that we can continue to share God’s love and truth in a hurting world. 

An Unprecedented Opportunity 

We are excited to announce a Matching Gift Challenge! Thanks to a generous donor, all new Partner in Hope gifts from now through March 2025 will be matched up to  $5,000 each month! This means your gift is doubled, making an even greater impact on the lives of those we serve. 

Your Impact as a Partner in Hope 

When you become a PARTNER IN HOPE, you are helping: 

  • Children, mothers and families receive the help they need without financial burden.  
  • Restore broken relationships.  
  • Individuals find their God-given purpose.  
  • To give hope to those in need. 

Transforming Lives Together 

Your support as a Partner in Hope brings stability for growth and renewal, leading to restoration and transformation in all areas of life. It is more than just a donation; it is a lifeline bringing hope and new beginnings to those in need. 

Join Us on This Mission 

Becoming a Partner in Hope is simple: 

  1. Visit our website: Become a Partner in Hope 
  1. Contact us: Call (361) 375-2147 to set up your monthly gift. 

By joining us, you become part of a community dedicated to healing, restoring and transforming lives. Together, we can make a profound difference, one person at a time. Do not miss this incredible opportunity to double your impact and bring hope to those who need it most. 

Be a Partner in Hope today. Your generosity changes lives. 

Privileged to Serve Through STCH Ministries

Every ministry faces similar challenges. From advocacy organizations that support children, youth and the homeless to nonprofits that provide drug and alcohol programs. Every leadership team grapples with the question: How do we invest our limited resources to meet the greatest needs for the greatest number of people?

STCH MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL began work in the Dominican Republic with a similar question, “From an eternal perspective, where do we focus our teaspoon of resources for the ocean of need surrounding us?”

Our mission statement seeded the answer. “Honoring God, helping children and families with His love and truth and enabling others to join us.” To accomplish this mission, a unique
sponsorship program would provide:
• Eternal hope and spiritual development through faith in Christ
• Opportunity for sponsors to personally invest influence and resources in these lives
• Education to break shackles of generational poverty
• Support to develop as Christian leaders in their own culture

The Samuel’s Fund sponsorship identified disadvantaged children with potential, ages four through high school. It was named after the biblical character of Samuel, a great leader and influencer in the nation of Israel. When God called him as a child, Samuel answered, “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.” He was only a child, yet his training had begun. In the Dominican Republic, the Samuel’s Fund program grew to benefit more than 400 children with this opportunity.

As children matured and graduated from high school, the creation of the Christian Leadership Educational Project (CLEP) extended the development of “Christian leaders in their own culture” through college. Those who demonstrated leadership potential in their church or Christian ministry would be eligible for a scholarship.

Jose Alberto Regalado is one of these young adults. Jose was born in Monte Plata, the youngest of four siblings. His father abandoned the family before he was born, leaving the family in abject poverty. At the age of 10, his mother died. Through the care of his Heavenly Father (whom he did not know at the time), he was chosen to live with Ramon and Juana Prensa, founders of the Monte Plata Children’s Home. Jose recounted, “They treated me as a son, and guided me all of my life. I learned everything about life from them—how to eat at a table, take care of my clothes, work and study, drive a car—everything!”

Dominican law requires a child to move out of an orphanage at age 18. Although he was still in school, Jose moved out. He worked at the school, helping out in their small dental clinic until he graduated. This experience led him to pursue training as a dental technician, traveling every day to Santo Domingo. However, the length and cost of the one-way, three-hour trip, plus poor job opportunities for a technician were discouraging.

Through a series of God-planned circumstances, Jose began to help STCH Ministries summer groups. He met Christians with generous hearts, and soon he became a CLEP scholarship recipient. The sponsorship enabled him to move to Santo Domingo and enroll in dental school.

In addition to the financial help, the CLEP sponsorship provided much needed support. Jose’s life has not been easy. He identified the lack of a mother’s love as an aching void in his heart. It has contributed to some serious mistakes as he searched for a substitute. Along with his sponsors, STCH Ministries staff stood by him with loving counsel and support. In addition, due to the circumstances of his birth, Jose lacks required Dominican government recognition (similar to a social security number) necessary for licensure when he graduates. With faith that God will intervene, prayer and work continue, enabling Jose to focus on God’s purpose for his life—to serve others through his skills as a dentist.

Vladimir Minier was always fascinated by numbers and the topic of finances. As a child, he lived in one of the poorest sections of Villa Mella. He suffered from depression and rarely spoke or smiled. Overweight and painfully shy, Vladimir received regular abuse from peers. When he was thirteen-years-old, a Christian teacher at school told the story of Christ dying for our sins. “Come to me,” she quoted. “Put your burdens on me.” She stated with assurance that Jesus could change lives. Vladimir bowed his head over his desk and committed his life to Christ. Life became a little brighter. He was not alone anymore.

When a church opened in his neighborhood, he began to attend faithfully. Attending grew to assisting, then teaching. He led the singing and joined the drama group. Diosmary, a part time STCH Ministries tutor, told him about the CLEP program and invited him to apply for a scholarship. Vladimir was accepted, and soon he enrolled in a private university with a major in the area of finances.

In October 2021 he will graduate as a Licensed Financial Advisor. He is presently working in a bank as he waits to apply for a government-funded master’s program in France. Long-term, his goals include owning his own firm, consulting, giving back to others through guidance in money management. Vladimir credits the CLEP scholarship with providing many opportunities that have benefited him, saying, “It gave me hope, and helped me to reach seemingly impossible goals in the university.”

As Vladimir also assisted with summer teams, he reported, “I was inspired by their noble hearts, how they sacrificed themselves to help others. I want to do that through my career in the future.”

Carlos Cruz lived an uneventful life in Puerto Plata until at eight years of age, his world turned gray and the light of hope was extinguished from his soft brown eyes. His dad left and remarried. Lack of stability and financial needs became a daily reality. Carlos disconnected emotionally and retreated to books and videos. Sometime later his mother also left for Italy.

Carlos came to faith through his involvement in a church during his early teens. His despondency coupled with his habit of reading attracted him first to Ecclesiastes and later drew him to the book of Proverbs. He memorized significant portions, saying, “Proverbs helped me to make many good decisions since I didn’t have anyone else to guide me.”

Carlos moved to Santo Domingo after high school, hoping to find a way to enroll in the university. He lived with grandparents for a short while and began to serve in his uncle’s church in the impoverished neighborhood of Brisas del Este. There he learned about the CLEP program, applied and was accepted. While Carlos studied construction engineering, he also dedicated many hours to helping other Samuel’s Fund children as he helped to lead mission teams. COVID disruptions pushed his graduation to spring 2022. His goal is to remodel homes and flip them for a profit. He will continue serving with STCH Ministries and in the Brisas del Este church.

Dark-haired and strikingly beautiful, Jeffy Ariza plays clarinet in the IBQ praise band. Although she seems too young, she will finish her studies in medicine this year as a CLEP scholarship recipient. After serving two years of residency she will continue to specialize as a pediatrician. Jeffy is passionate about her goals, explaining, “I want to be a different kind of doctor, compassionate, serving God and my community rather than making money.”

Perhaps her passion can be traced back to her early years with five siblings. Jeffy remembers poverty and hunger, lack of school supplies and uniforms for school attendance and a father who struggled with rage. She grieved to see her younger siblings and her mother suffer. Her health was affected by the stress. She struggled with depression and developed serious gastrointestinal issues.

She accepted Christ at 11 years of age along with her mother, through the outreach of the IBQ church. Later, they were chosen for a Samuel’s Fund sponsorship, and their home stabilized. Jeffy’s impossible dream to become a doctor evolved into a reality through a CLEP scholarship. Jeffy cannot count the number of ways that the scholarships have benefited her and her family—tuition and school supplies, food during difficult times, medical care and medicines, tutoring and even a laptop for their studies.

Although life has not been easy, Jeffy believes that God allowed everything for a purpose. Reflecting over the past, Jeffy concluded, “It was a test, like gold being refined, and I was able to grow.”

Nemesis Chalas grimaced a bit as she shared that her greatest obstacle is her impatience. As she neared graduation from university, impatiently praying for a job, she suffered hours of overwhelming anxiety and frustration. “Now I see that God had something specific in mind for me, in His time, at the right time.” Today, she has a great job with the Department of Education.

Nemesis’ life shares a familiar pattern in the Dominican Republic—a broken home, lack of resources to continue her education. She recounted that in spite of impoverished circumstances, learning was always easy for her, and she finished high school with honors. She accepted Christ at 14 years of age. When she was 16, a paralyzing fear of death motivated her to pray, “If you let me live, I promise to serve you.”

A visionary and ambitious young lady, Nemesis plans to have her own business in the future as an event planner—lights, sound, food, music and decorations. She has already begun planning smaller celebrations like birthday parties. Inspired by the work she did with the summer mission teams, she plans to use these opportunities to share her faith and be a blessing to others.

Keren Ramirez lives in La Romana. As the daughter of a pastor in a very needy area, economic deprivation has always been a huge obstacle, both personally and for the church. Keren shared, “God always sent angels who donated at just the right time for our greatest needs. One time my father checked his bank to see whether there was enough for our immediate need and discovered he had a large balance. Although he queried everyone, he never discovered who made that deposit.”

Those experiences made an indelible impression and grew her faith. With no means to pay for a university education, she knows God provided the CLEP scholarship. Keren will graduate in November 2021 as a lab technician. Her experiences working with mission teams have inspired her. Although their economic circumstances are very different, she learned that Americans have the same faith as she does. “They sacrifice to serve and give their resources. We serve God together and have faith in the same God, and He uses all of us to accomplish His purpose,” she reflected.

In 2006 STCH Ministries expanded internationally, responding to God’s call to serve beyond the South Texas region. We began with faith and a lot of questions. Where to start? How to invest in keeping with the calling God had given STCH Ministries? What is the best way to invest for long-term impact and eternal benefits?

The success of the sponsorship and university scholarship program (CLEP) is demonstrated in the lives of these young people and many more. Doctor, dentist, financial advisor, event planner, construction engineer and more—productive citizens, able to bless their families, committed to serving Christ as leaders in their own culture. The credit for the vision, and the glory for all that has been accomplished belongs solely to the great God we are privileged to serve through STCH Ministries.

When God’s Hand Guides

Mothers arrive at Homes for Families for many reasons. Sometimes financial instability, abusive relationships or a lack of family support are at play. Other times, mothers find themselves homeless with nowhere else to turn. No matter the situation, when a mother arrives with children in hand, STCH Ministries Marshall Ranch and Bluebonnet Ranch campuses provide a safe environment to pause, breathe and then dive into the underlying issues.

JUDY IS A MOTHER TO SIX CHILDREN. She has four girls and two boys between the ages of two and thirteen. Her story is one of difficulty, and in fact, it’s non-linear. As humans, we love to hear about people conquering something hard after one attempt, but more often than not, our stories include road bumps, detours and dead ends. Judy knows this disruption well, but through hardships, heartache and growing pains, she ultimately experienced life change.

As a mother stuck in a difficult situation, Judy first heard about Homes for Families through a local church. She felt a desire to call the campus and learn more about the program, but as she listened to the rules and expectations, she felt nervous. “I couldn’t do it,” Judy said. She assumed it would be too hard to let go of a living situation that tied her to the life she actually needed to escape. With these details in mind, she hung up the phone and pushed the idea out of her mind.

One year later, Judy experienced the physical and emotional harm of domestic violence. With children living in her home, a CPS case quickly opened. Through this personal trauma, she again heard about STCH Ministries. As she talked with a family advisor, the advisor suggested that Judy explore the benefits and offerings of STCH Ministries Homes for Families.

As she talked with a family advisor, they explored the benefits and offerings of STCH Ministries Homes for Families. While discussing the logistics of a move, she recalls the advisor saying, “Don’t think of it in a negative way. Think of it as a blessing in disguise.” This phrase provided the lightbulb moment that Judy needed. On that day, she consciously chose to shift her mindset about the future and view opportunities with optimism. Soon after, Judy made the call to move to Homes for Families with her children in hand.

On November 6, 2018, they arrived on campus. The move was hard on everyone, and as a family unit, they struggled with a new home, a different schedule and a lack of independence. She felt grateful to be in a program that surrounded her children with love and support, but it was hard to fully commit to the campus’ expectations. After nine months, Judy walked away from Homes for Families feeling stronger than when she first arrived.

With the economic upheaval in 2020, Judy lost her job and lacked the support of a solid family network. She eventually purchased a home with the help of the COVID-19 stimulus checks, but after a series of hardships, Judy again turned to Homes for Families. This time, she needed spiritual direction, financial assistance and guidance for her children. “I just wanted to build my relationship with the Lord,” said Judy. “I felt strong after my first time at STCH Ministries, and then I fell back into old habits when I left. The world was pushing me to do things I didn’t want to do, but the Lord pushed me to come back. I had to make the decision to return.”

On August 2, 2021, Judy and her six children moved back to Homes for Families. This was a hard decision because the children wanted to avoid a second upheaval to their friend groups, schooling and extracurricular activities. Following the move, Judy felt less anxious. “I’m not all over the place, screaming, shouting or cussing,” said Judy. “I feel humbled. I learned to not do things on my own and wait for what God has in store for me.”

Today, Judy is moving through Phase I at Homes for Families, and her children are adjusting remarkably well. While recalling the return to Marshall Ranch, Judy said, “It felt like coming back home. The two years in between were hard. Walking through the door at STCH Ministries brought peace, and now I’m not as angry, and I’m not as depressed. Yes, I still get flustered, but as a whole, I’m at peace. At Homes for Families, they’re teaching me how to deal with struggles the right way.”

Today, Judy has more patience in interactions with her children. She recognizes that each child is different, and as individuals, they experience the world in unique ways. With new parenting skills at her fingertips, Judy tries to give her children love, time and attention each day. She is also working to implement structured chores in her house, a new venture for her family.

Judy regularly expresses a profound gratitude for the team at STCH Ministries. “They welcomed me here with six kids,” said Judy. “That felt big. A lot of places don’t have room for a family of seven people, but they made room for us.”

For Judy, life change is happening at Homes for Families. She is not the same person as the woman afraid to take the first step of faith and reach out for help more than four years ago. “I learned that the world is not going to save me. Jesus died on the cross for my sins, and we should follow in his footsteps,” said Judy. “At Homes for Families, I learn something new every day. It’s really changed my way of thinking.”

Judy hopes that other women experiencing heartache, hardships or abuse will find their way to Homes for Families. “It’s well worth it,” said Judy. “It’s hard in the beginning. It truly is hard. But you’ll feel peace within yourself, and you’ll see the change within yourself. It’s overwhelming and joyful. When you let God in, your whole life will change. Before I found STCH Ministries, I was depressed. I felt hopeless. Now, my life has changed for the better.”

While planning for the future, Judy holds two dreams close to her heart. First, she wants to be a resource for teen girls who find themselves in unexpected pregnancies. After watching relatives struggle through pregnancies at young ages, she wants to make a difference for those who feel hopeless.

Recently, Judy discovered her entrepreneurial spirit. If personal growth continues at a consistent pace, her second dream is to open a shop that sells party supplies—specifically balloons. She feels so much joy thinking about the possibility of owning a small business someday and recalls a simple balloon shop in her hometown and the smiles on her children’s faces when they hold the inflated treasures.

Homes for Families served as a beacon of hope for this family, just as they do for countless others who show up at their doorstep willing to walk the path toward real and meaningful change. Through stories like Judy’s, God’s providential and protective care is often noticeable over an extended period of time. Some might say her continued encounters with Homes for Families were by chance or completely random, but others will recognize God’s hand guiding each decision. If you or someone you know needs help, visit

A Timely Investment

I think we all know that education is critical in our lives. If we don’t learn, we cannot move forward. Think about it. What if we were not taught to walk as a young child? What if we did not know how to read? Not to mention, what if we did not know how to talk or communicate?

LEARNING NEVER ENDS and it is up to each of us to determine the value of the education we receive and how we use it to enrich ourselves and serve others. The value itself is immeasurable and only becomes apparent to others when we move forward using what we have learned.

From the beginning of STCH Ministries, it has been apparent and clear that education is very important. Children living on our Boothe Campus may not have had the chance to graduate from high school if they had not been placed to live in our care. Education is crucial, not just while in care, but when they step into the reality of life beyond the safety of Pettus, Texas.

It is the commitment of STCH Ministries to provide the opportunity for each graduating senior to pursue their dreams and receive the education they desire. This could be going to college, trade school or even choosing to be certified with specific skills so they can grab a hold of life with confidence and stability. Fortunately, in our 68-year existence, donors have been generous with education endowments to provide scholarships. This ensures the resources are available for every eligible high school graduate.

Here are a couple of examples of named endowments:

The Howard K. Joslin Education Fund exists to help graduates who choose to attend a trade school and gain knowledge in fields such as welding, construction, mechanics and more. Before Howard passed away from a plane crash, he and his wife, Cristal had already talked about one day helping graduates wanting to go to a trade school. Howard knew the importance of non-traditional education since he himself went straight into a trade profession. Since its creation, several graduates have been impacted by their generosity.

The Angela Hise Education Endowment exists to help graduates attend a traditional college or trade school. Angela passed away several years ago and her mother, Jo, heard Eron Green, President & CEO of STCH Ministries, speak at a local church describing the importance of higher education and how we are committed to providing this opportunity for every graduate. Jo then decided to endow a scholarship in her daughter’s memory.

Each graduate must comply with eligibility standards required to receive funds from education endowments. These standards include academic and spiritual criteria. The College Transition Coordinator on the Boothe Campus helps to guide each resident during their junior and senior years of high school to prepare a plan for their future. Taking the next step and entering into adulthood is never an easy task for any child. However, STCH Ministries invests in every child in our care, paving the way to a positively supported future.

Due to the sacrifice and foresight of so many to make timely investments years ago and today, STCH Ministries can provide the necessary resources for those choosing to expand their knowledge.

STCH Ministries is forever grateful to those who have established or contributed to endowments to provide education scholarships. If you would like to learn more about how to create an endowment, please contact the Office of Development at or 361.375.2417.

Shoulder to Shoulder

STCH Ministries reaches hurting children and families with the truth of God’s love through every ministry we pursue. The magnitude and scope of our mission requires us to partner with other organizations, so much so that enabling others to join us in this ministry is written into our mission statement. The Greater San Antonio Church Health Initiative, Unicity and Faith Fosters Texas are some of the groups we serve alongside. These enterprises help pastors, parents and children in the foster care system. Working together, we all extend our reach and bring hope and healing wherever the need exists.

STCH Ministries’ partnership with The Greater San Antonio Church Health Initiative makes a difference in the lives of pastors who bear the burdens of the front lines of ministry. The Church Health Initiative was born out of the desire to help improve community health by addressing the daunting needs of pastors. The Baptist General Convention of Texas received a grant in 2018 from the Baptist Health Foundation of San Antonio to do the work.  Ben Hanna, son of former STCH Ministries Vice President Homer Hanna, was selected to lead the effort. STCH Ministries, an early partner in this effort, encouraged several staff members to take part in a steering committee that focused efforts on how to improve the spiritual, emotional, physical and financial health of pastors.

The Church Health Initiative now provides one-on-one coaching relationships, financial help, retreats and groups to encourage pastors to pursue greater health in every aspect of their lives. In November 2019, thirty-two couples attended the first “Pastor Strong Retreat” at Tapatio Springs Hill Country Resort. STCH Ministries Director of Faith & Finances | Faith & Work, Darrell Jackson, led a breakout session on financial health. STCH Ministries Director of Family Counseling Charny Beck and her husband, Randy, led another session on emotional health. Both sessions earned high ratings in the participants’ written evaluations of the retreat. Family Counseling Directors, Dosely Antongiorgi and Lorraine Turner were on hand and available for individual counseling.

Parents operate on the front lines of family preservation. In August of 2018, STCH Ministries Family Counseling San Antonio partnered with the organization Unicity to train others to lead the evidence-based parenting curriculum Raising Highly Capable Kids. Through the spring of 2019, we trained 130 community leaders in churches, businesses, school districts and other organizations as facilitators. Now, in the middle of our second year in partnership with Unicity, we hope to double the number of people trained to teach this curriculum. 

Parenting can be difficult, challenging at best; we want to encourage parents in San Antonio to support each other in safe spaces with support resources from the local community. The Raising Highly Capable Kids curriculum teaches parents to use “The 40 Developmental Assets”, the 40 building blocks every child needs to grow and mature, as a framework for raising their children. Research shows the more of these assets a child has in their life, the more likely they are to engage in healthy behaviors, while moving away from unhealthy behaviors. As parents develop and maintain these assets, they feel equipped to provide their children with the skills to become healthy, caring and responsible individuals. When parents or families need extra help, professional counselors are available to assist the families with the appropriate connections in the community. STCH Ministries’ commitment to strengthening families is carried out through teaching Raising Highly Capable Kids alongside Unicity.

There are over 34,000 foster children in Texas creating a staggering need for more foster families. In 2019, the Baptist General Convention of Texas launched a foster care initiative called Faith Fosters Texas to build collaboration between faith-based, like-minded organizations to recruit foster parents to assist the least of these in our state. Involvement from churches is a key component in finding the families necessary to serve the many children needing a place to call home. Faith Fosters Texas recruits churches and provides the resources they require to build a healthy foster care ministry in their church to help secure foster families.

STCH Ministries’ involvement in the collaboration helps to ensure families and their children receive support, equipping foster families to thrive. Through Family Counseling, Faith & Work and Faith & Finances, STCH Ministries can minister to both parents and children of foster families.   

If you would like to know more about how you or your church can become involved in Faith Fosters Texas, please go to

STCH Ministries endeavors to fulfill our mission engaging in every level of society. Healthy pastors create strong communities which call for healthy families. Parents are the key components to maintain resilient families and we believe every child deserves the love of a committed family. In pursuing our mission, we achieve our vision to show the love of Christ to each child and family to whom we minister. We pray that God empowers these partnerships and brings us more in the future.