The Ministry Continues – More Good News!

As we continue to adapt to the daily restrictions that COVID-19 has placed on our lives, we may feel we’re repeating the same day over and over again. We tend to ask ourselves: “What day is it?” “How many snacks have I eaten today?” “What should we binge watch next on Netflix?”
  And although we are ready for our days not to feel like they’re on repeat, day after day – we must remember: God’s Word never changes. His Word remains the same day after day, year after year. And as followers of Jesus, we are to be a people of hope.

Therefore, we want to remind you, that though your day may feel the same, know that God remains the same. He is worthy of our trust and hope. “Be of good cheer,” our Lord said, “I have overcome the world” – John 16:33 

And for that, we continue to have hope in our Lord; and we continue to be thankful for your continued commitment to STCH Ministries. God continues to work in mighty ways. He continues to open doors for our ministry so that our MINISTRY CONTINUES! We are GRATEFUL for you!

The Good News: We are continuing to help those we serve as they deal with life’s challenges.

In these unprecedented days, we remain encouraged by the light of Christ. On Good Friday, two young girls at Homes for Children were led to an everlasting relationship – they accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, by their houseparents! 

Good Friday indeed…He is Risen, Risen indeed! Seek the Kingdom of God, and you will find Him.

Our ministries are still accepting new residents and clients.

HOMES FOR CHILDREN, on the Boothe Campus, is continuing to serve children. It’s a place to call home. Children live with houseparents, and each cottage functions much like a normal household, with meals in the home and the family enjoying activities together. Children attend public school and local churches and participate in sports and a variety of life-building activities. For more information about the ministry and admission requirements, please call 361.375.2101 or click to apply online.

HOMES FOR FAMILIES, on the Marshall Ranch Campus, is continuing to serve single moms and their children. It’s a place to be safe. Homes for Families is a resource for single mothers and their children who are facing a crisis and need help transitioning into independent living. Our Marshall Ranch Campus provides a safe, comfortable setting for mothers and their children to begin a new chapter, while our staff help address their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. For more information about the ministry and admission requirements, please call 361.645.3005 or click to apply online.

FAMILY COUNSELING provides care when individuals, couples and families need help sorting through the challenges of life. All our counselors are professionally trained and distinctively Christian. We are continuing to see current and new clients through virtual counseling. If you, or anyone you know, needs to speak with a counselor, please call 833.83STCHM or 833.837.8246

Family Support – Our Family Support ministry connects needs with resources. Whenever a family has needs that can be served by one or more of our ministries, Family Support helps them understand what we offer and how to begin. We recently had the opportunity of blessing Maggie, a member of one of our church partners. Maggie recently lost her job due to COVID-19 and her husband’s hours were significantly reduced to working one day per week. She has also been taking care of her 3 teenage grandchildren since their birth. Maggie’s faith in God has not waivered and knows God will continue supplying their every need. Maggie was so grateful for the groceries and showed her appreciation for STCH Ministries during this time.

International – Dominican Republic CLEP Students – The Christian Leadership and Education Project (CLEP) is a sponsorship program that matches sponsors with Dominican college students. The students receive financial help for educational needs, such as college tuition, books and supplies. Additionally, each CLEP student is required to contribute a minimum of 10 hours a month in ministry to younger Samuel’s Fund children (also sponsored by donors) as tutors and mentors. During this time of quarantine, our CLEP students are still required to invest in children. Every week, they call 2-3 children to build a friendship, help with homework and share devotional time. This is a wonderful blessing to see students helping students.

Words of Encouragement – Our staff has been working hard to help The Ministry Continue during these difficult times. Additionally, our children, moms, clients and all those we serve are adjusting to the challenges of new changes in routines and schedules. If you would like to send our staff and those we serve – words of encouragement – you can do so by clicking here.

Please know we are continuing to pray for God’s sovereign protection to surround you and your family.

We are here to share hope and heal hearts, and we are grateful for your ongoing support.  With sincere gratitude,

Kyle Luke
Vice President of Development and Communications
STCH Ministries