Faith & Finances at Work

Our Faith & Finances and Faith & Work classes are a huge blessing to those who participate in them. Our site coordinator from Corpus Christi, Alicia Tijerina, teaches both classes and trains facilitators to lead the classes as well. She recently shared a story about a young lady who graduated from Faith & Finances and was eager to get a new job. She called Alicia really upset after not receiving an offer from a potential job opportunity she wanted. Alicia prayed with her and assured her God has the final word and He will direct her path. A week later the same young lady called her thrilled, she had received a job offer in finance. The company had noticed her certificate from Faith & Finances on her resume and wanted to know more about the program. The young lady was overjoyed to share her experience in class. Alicia cannot wait to see her future successes and be there as support when needed.

Faith & Finances and Faith & Work are more than just classes that teach God’s purpose for your finances and work, they create a support community that will be there long after the classes are finished. They are powerful because of the principles they teach and the paths the Lord directs. We are thankful for people like Alicia, who are part of our ministry and see it as a calling to follow the Lord.  We are excited to see what 2023 has in store for this ministry!