Finding Potential with Limited Resources

One of the most difficult aspects of the Samuel’s Fund sponsorship program is choosing which children to sponsor. How we wish that resources were unlimited, but only God is limitless. So we must choose. We cannot go strictly on need. The criteria is not only need, but also potential.

Potential includes a reasonable degree of support in the child’s environment—someone who will provide accountability for school and church attendance. It also includes a good attitude and willingness to invest efforts in their schoolwork. When those standards are met, our STCH Ministries team invests whatever it takes to help that child succeed.

Recently Rebeca, our Samuel’s Fund Director in the Dominican Republic, traveled about two hours to visit a school in Bani.

I went to Bani to visit with Christopher Cabrera’s mom and teachers. I had received information that Christopher was stuck and not progressing in his learning. I talked to mom who admitted that she had failed to help him to do what the Special Ed. teacher had recommended in the past. I helped her explain to the homeroom teacher, who didn’t know his past difficulties, all that Christopher and his previous teacher had achieved.

As a result of this visit, an online group called “Christopher support group” was created. Both mom and the current teacher were encouraged and they promised to work hard. It was worth making this trip.

Once a child is accepted in the sponsorship program, we are dedicated to their success and to minister to their families. Staying in contact, finding resources, addressing issues, advocating for them—it’s intense and time-consuming. We make it a priority to be faithful stewards of our resources in an effort to develop the potential God has given to each child.

Not So Impossible After All

The single moms who live at Homes for Families are on a journey of faith. They are building a relationship with God and learning how to be the mothers that He created them to be. In the past few months, they discovered that faith has a big impact on their finances as well.

STCH Ministries brought two of our programs together: a Faith & Finances class was conducted at Homes for Families to teach the moms about biblical principles of money management.  In the first few classes, the moms learned the basics: what the Bible says about money, how to create a spending plan, and how to save for emergencies. As the semester progressed, so did the depth of the topics. The women learned how to understand interest rates and avoid predatory lenders.  They pulled their credit reports for the first time and, in some cases, were a bit shocked to discover how many past mistakes were still following them around. The Faith & Finances instructor worked individually with several students to make an action plan and begin setting things straight.

Perhaps most importantly, the class taught this group of moms that their dreams are not so impossible after all. Debt doesn’t have to be a way of life, and poverty doesn’t have to be permanent. An education and decent job are within reach. One day, they can provide a safe and comfortable house for their children and even pay it off. Faith & Finances showed them how to stop living in a financial crisis and begin the slow, steady process of building a foundation for the future.

The moms recently celebrated the completion of the class and received their certificates, along with the Homes for Families staff who also took part in the course. Their graduation was held on the first day of spring—a fitting metaphor of the renewed financial life that these ladies are beginning.

To find out more about Faith & Finances, take a look at the latest edition of the Messenger. If your church or organization is interested in partnering with us to host a class, visit to contact the office nearest to you.

The Impact of a Mission Trip

How has this trip changed your heart?  In what ways has it strengthened your faith?  Has your experience caused you to redefine the meaning of poor? Rich? How has your being here brought glory to God?

Soul-searching questions to ponder as the FBC Allen family group and the West University Baptist Church (WUBC) college group from Rice University celebrated the end of their time in the Dominican Republic with a banquet, packed their suitcases, and loaded onto the buses traveling to the airports.  One group left for the Las Americas airport in Santo Domingo, and the other traveled to the Punta Cana airport the next morning.

In response to the questions presented at the banquet some shared an observation of what appeared to be an oxymoron—people poor in material things, but who were rich in joy and love.  Another learned that his faith grew when he let go of control, and trusted God to work in His own time.  Others reported, “I came thinking I was sacrificing to bless others and found that I received so much more than I gave.”

The two groups on this trip were comprised of both individuals and families, young and old.

“I brought my family so that my children would experience the priority of living out our faith,” a father shared.

Another man stated, “I have renewed my hope for the future of our country and our churches by sharing this trip with the college students from Rice University.”

Many commented that their faith was energized by the experience of evangelizing as they went door to door sharing their faith.

“I will be bolder in my witness for Christ when I return to my world,” reported many.

They were able to share their faith and pray with over 57 individuals during their time in the Dominican Republic.  Ten of the individuals that the group met with responded by praying to accept Christ, while another eight people promised to visit the Quisqueyana church.

The trip also included the FBC Allen group building a playground for the school in Monte Plata where the orphanage children attend.  At the same time, the WUBC group built bunk beds for the boys in the Betesda Home in La Romana and worked on the upstairs safety railings of the Villa Altagracia School.  The two groups’ ministry efforts made an eternal difference for many, and the projects will bless schools and children’s homes long after the trip.  But more than the projects, the value of a mission trip is the impact on the hearts and minds of the participants.

Anxiety: A Doorway to Deeper Faith

Anxiety is a common malady that affects many in our modern world, and Christians are not excluded. Some may assume that anxiety is a “sign” from God that there is something wrong, plans needs to be changed, or we need to stop activities that cause anxiety. Possibly for others anxiety is sinful, and causes guilt, because the Bible clearly states, “Be anxious for nothing.”

In our American world control is paramount. We have a security-driven mind set. The unknown creates a high level of anxiety. Our cure for anxiety often pushes us to focus on every detail, minimize the unknown, eliminate risk, prevent every unforeseen possibility, or stop all anxiety producing activities. On this mission trip, God had a different and better plan to deal with anxiety.

The recent Yorktown Baptist Dental and Medical trip was fertile ground for anxiety on several levels. The first morning they were challenged by the story of the eagle chicks, and mother eagle who pushed them out of the nest. While they flapped their wings frantically in terror, she swooped under them and lifted them back to the safety of the nest. After a few repetitions, the eagles gained strength and flew confidently on their own. They were assured that the same God who designed the eagles would also accompany their endeavors, and would never let them fall beyond His ability to sustain them.

One participant shared, “I was anxious about my husband’s health, so I signed up to support him.” An experienced nurse was anxious about the preparation and organization of a new-to-her ministry. Several had fears about the language barrier. Debbie Craver, who led the group, experienced anxiety at multiple junctures—would the team be cohesive? Would there be enough medicines? Would 30 pieces of checked luggage, which were filled with supplies, arrive on time? Dr. Francisco also battled anxiety as he spent hours answering questions, and emails of concern. He spent more hours organizing translators, purchasing supplies, making preparations for multiple sites, and planning for concurrent medical, opthomology, and dental clinics.

The results? Debbie said, “I learned that I only needed to do my part, and God took care of all the rest!”

God showed up for another participant with a mysterious note that said, “God will be with you and He will use you.”

For another, God confirmed His presence in spite of limited Spanish through prayer with a 13-year-old pregnant child.

Anxiety—an opportunity to overcome fear, to step out in Abraham-like faith who left his country, “not knowing whither he went,” as the Bible records. Anxiety can become an opportunity for obedience—to stretch outside of our comfort zones, to forget about ourselves as we focus on the needs of others in blessing them through actions of compassion. Anxiety requires a decision to use wisdom and to prepare diligently. It ultimately requires faith to step out into the unknown, the un-controllable.

“I learned that God expects me to do my part, and then relax, de-stress, and watch Him work,” Debbie stated.

Over 800 patients were treated in the clinics. Through diligent preparations, and faith to follow God’s leading, anxiety was overcome. “We learned that we can always depend on God—He will always show up, and He will never be late.” Is it possible that anxiety can become the doorway to a deeper relationship, a life of obedience and the kind of faith that overcomes fears?

Transforming Work

Our spring classes are in full swing and we have had some awesome things happen so far. In our last Faith & Finances class at One Voice Praise & Worship we had a woman open up to us about some big and tough things that have been going on in her life. She stated that due to a heart attack and heart issues she has lost everything. She has no home, no car, and loads of medical bills to pay.

She voiced that she was so thankful and recognized God’s timeliness in her finding out about our Faith & Finances class and being able to attend. After class she proceeded to walk to the alter of the church that we were in, get down on her knees, and pray over the difficult circumstances in her life.

We are so thankful for God bringing her to our class and for the transforming work that is already beginning to take place in her life. She has begun to realize that there are better ways for her to handle and manage her finances, and that with the help of God and others around her she is not stuck in the place that she has been in.

Submitted by Faith & Finances – San Antonio

A Life Worth Living

For almost 5 years, John Gilbert, Headmaster of Yorktown Christian Academy, dreamed and worked towards getting students and families involved in missions. He desired to help them see the needs of the world around them—both locally and internationally. John’s ultimate goal was to make YCA not only an excellent academic preparatory school, but also make the school a CALLING preparatory school.

“I want each student to discover and develop their unique gifts in order to fulfill the callingGod has for each of them,” he explained.

“Thank God for STCH Ministries family trips! Families serving together has had the greatest impact on both children and the entire family,” John stated at the end of their second annual mission trip.

Last week YCA took all of the eighth graders along with at least one parent from each family to the Dominican Republic. They ministered to children in both schools and orphanages. They taught English, performed skits, delivered groceries to needy families. They also built stools for the computer lab—sawing, screwing, sanding, painting—although most of them had never constructed anything before. During their orphanage visit, they shared manicures with the girls, played games with the boys, and the YCA moms shared a special mom-to-mom time with the housemoms.

Language was never a barrier, although it gave students a chance to use even the limited vocabulary they had learned in school. One student reported towards the end of the week, “You know, the faces are so different, but the trials and the difficulties are the same, even the way we can get close to God.” And others reported, “I have learned to appreciate what I have at home.”

As far as the total impact on the eighth graders, many of them challenged themselves, overcoming their shyness and overcoming the egocentricity that is often ingrained in children. Most enjoyed every moment.

A parent summed up the impact of the week in this way, “During our stay I learned about another culture, I saw people with another skin color. I heard people with another way to speak. But you know, that is just what we can see with our eyes. When you open your heart, you don’t see or you don’t hear that anymore. I saw my brother and my sister. This trip changed my life deeply. I know now I would like to serve God in the way He wants.

Mission accomplished! Each trip is unique. But on each trip, God speaks in a special way and has the opportunity to change our lives. Life, after all, is just a blink. Making it count—for the benefit of our loved ones, our communities, and ultimately for eternity—is what makes A LIFE WORTH LIVING.

God’s Blessings

“I have learned that God hears my prayers even about little things,” Abril Lorenzo shared.

Abril is a 12-year-old sponsored child who longed to attend a drama presented by the Quisqueyana Baptist Church in the National Palace of Fine Arts. Abril knew that the possibility of paying for this would be impossible for her family. In the quiet of her own heart, she shared her desire with God. “Please, God, I would love to go to this drama.”

How pleased she was when she learned that her sponsorship would pay for her ticket!

For children to know Christ, grow in their faith, and get an education—these are the most important goals of the Samuel’s Fund sponsorship program. In addition to help with tuition, school uniforms, and books, the children frequently receive additional benefits—a backpack, an outing with their class, groceries for the family, medical care, and even a birthday cake! Over the Christmas holidays many children also received extra gifts of games, toys, and clothing. Our staff was kept busy delivering these gifts, which were received with great joy!

It may seem like such a small thing, a ticket to a drama. For Abril, it meant that God hears the concerns and prayers of a little girl. Sometimes it is those small extra benefits that impress a child with God’s care and love for them.