The Ministry Continues – Students Involved in FFA

Our Ministry Continues by the steadfast faithful trust and hope which you continue to provide to us. We are grateful for your commitment to our ministry and those we serve.

The last several months have been challenging, yet God is greater than our circumstances. He continues to show His love and mercy. His faithfulness continues to change the lives of those we serve because YOU have continued to provide your support. We are joyful to have praises to share!  

“…to God, my joy and my delight. I will praise you with the lyre, O God, my God.” – Psalm 21:6 (NIV)

One of the extracurricular activities the students at Homes for Children on the Boothe Campus can participate in is showing animals. Some of our high school students join the Pettus High School Agriculture program, FFA. They raise animals with the goal to show at livestock shows.

This year seven of our students are raising and caring for animals.

We currently have 11 Boer show goats; a Charolais-cross steer; a Brahman heifer; two pigs, a Duroc pig; and a Hampshire pig.

One of our students, Laura, said she liked doing Stock Shows because of the reward at the end. She works hard so her animals are successfully trained and equipped to show well.  She also gains more patience and responsibility by raising and caring for the animals.

Each student is 100% responsible for caring for their own animal(s). They do all the work such as feeding, watering, exercising and training their animals.

Currently, our students are working towards the Bee County Livestock Show. Two students, Laura and Seth, will compete at the San Antonio major show with a heifer and several goats.

All these different aspects of raising show animals provide skills which not only help the students now – but also carry into their lives as they become independent adults. Students gain responsibility, accountability, confidence and many other skills as they care for their animals.

In early September we had a team return to the Dominican Republic with a Mercy Mission trip to bring backpacks and school supplies, along with many other items needed. As we visited with the directors of our Christian schools, they were grateful for the help they had been given.

During the trip, we learned that the schools faced another crisis. The Dominican government was requiring distance learning for all schools – which meant they needed technology.

Therefore, we asked for help from our supporters. We needed $25,000 to purchase computers, tablets, cameras, etc. so the schools and orphanages would be able to successfully teach and engage with their students.

And God’s people responded quickly! As the funds arrived, we were able to purchase the much-needed computers and other items. The teachers immediately began learning and practicing how to use them effectively for teaching. 

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:19 ES

God continues to sustain our ministry, and He uses people to help accomplish His Will. If you would like to continue to get involved with our ministry, we have several ways to start TODAY!

Thank you again for your continued prayers, support and commitment to STCH Ministries and those we serve.

As you are led, we ask for your continued participation in helping impact lives daily. If you have any questions about how to get involved, please let me know.

Thank you for helping the Ministry Continue!

The Ministry Continues – We Have a New Location

Thank you for continuing to read our articles, share stories, volunteer and be a part of STCH Ministries. We are grateful for your commitment – ensuring our ministry continues! Each of you has a role in making an impact on a life. You have the opportunity to participate in a visible change in the lives of children and families all over the world. We are an action-based ministry that invites you to be the hands and feet of Christ.

God continues to work through STCH Ministries, and we are thankful you have a front-row seat!  We’d like to share a few things which have been happening around STCH Ministries.

We are excited to announce the opening of our newest office location in San Antonio, Texas. This office serves several of our STCH Ministries team members and ministries: Family Counseling, Faith & Finances, Faith & Work and Development.

It has been a worthwhile process to find the best location for our team and those we serve. We’re opening the doors to our staff, clients and students; and plan to schedule an Open House once the city has lifted restrictions. Here’s a sneak peek

We are continuing to monitor the status of our
Family Counseling offices for re-opening for in-person sessions. We are diligently watching county restrictions, the COVID map, and the policy of individual locations.

When the respective county turns yellow or green we will access the option to re-open offices to see clients in-person. All our offices continue to provide distance counseling via ZOOM.

Our counselors are looking forward to seeing their clients in-person when it’s safe to do so.

If you or someone you know would like to receive counseling, please click here for more information: FAMILY COUNSELING

At our Faith & Finances – Houston
location, we are excited to cross borders and offer Faith & Finances via ZOOM in Spanish taught by our bi-lingual Site Coordinator, Alisha Holt. This class will include participants in Houston as well as in Mexico, Venezuela and Columbia!

Additionally, in Houston, we are hosting our 3rd Community Network meeting on Wednesday, October 14, 2020, at 11:00 AM via Zoom. The purpose of The Bridge is: 

  • Introduce and expand awareness of STCH Ministries to Houston
  • Learn and celebrate what God is doing both locally and globally through various churches, businesses and non-profits across Houston
  • Discuss ways to leverage these available resources to people across the city   

If you’d like to join us for this networking opportunity – please click here: ALISHA HOLT

Our students on the Boothe Campus are now back to school in-person. We are so grateful for everyone who supported their needs! Please join us as we pray for a great school year!

There’s still time, if you’d like to help a student succeed click here: BACK TO SCHOOL

Thank you again for your continued prayers, support and commitment to STCH Ministries and those we serve.

As you are led, we ask for your continued participation in helping impact lives daily. If you have any questions about how to get involved, please let me know.
Thank you for helping the Ministry Continue!

The Ministry Continues – Going Back to the Dominican Republic

We are excited and blessed to have the love and support of so many who have a heart for our ministry. As you may know, we have nine ministries which provide support, resources, healing and hope to those in need. If you don’t know our nine ministries – click here to learn more: STCH Ministries.

This past week – a team of volunteers and staff went to the Dominican Republic to deliver school supplies, construct beds for children, host a teacher training, deliver food, and share the hope and encouragement of Jesus. This was our first group since March prior to the pandemic.

Below is a summary from one of our team members on the trip – she attended with her husband and 17-year old son.

As we prepared and departed for the trip, we knew we could potentially be exposed to COVID-19. We also knew there were challenges ahead that we may not know about until we arrived.

But we knew God called us all to go. The team came from different cities around Texas – the 10 of us felt the calling to “GO”. So we went with open hearts and open arms (from a distance), masks on, and the trust and faith that God will provide and protect us all.

We were all challenged by those around us who questioned “Why are you going now?” “Aren’t you scared?” “Don’t you know it’s not safe to go there?” and many other questionable remarks. But we stood together, challenged by the “world” – to do our part.

Our ministry partners in the Dominican Republic have endured the challenges, the ups and downs of stress, anxiety and restrictions placed on their lives and the community due to the pandemic. We were eager to encourage and support them.

Through these opportunities, we provided hope, encouragement and replenishment:

  • 20 teachers received training. They were comforted knowing they were not alone. They didn’t realize the teachers in America are also going through the uncertainties and struggles of how to teach students online and navigate through the pandemic.
  • 250+ students received backpacks. They are now prepared to go back to school. They LOVED receiving their backpacks and the supplies contained inside – they excitedly showed off to their moms and siblings.
  • 25 children have beds to sleep comfortably and safely. Some children share beds with other siblings or sleep on a dirt floor. We constructed these beds to provide the rest and security needed to grow and thrive.
  • Food was distributed to families who are in need and are struggling through the pandemic. We also witnessed to those who didn’t know Jesus. Knowing they have food for their family for the next few weeks gave them comfort, peace and trust God was providing for them.
  • So many other blessings were provided and witnessed during our trip.

Dr. Fransicso and his medical team continue to provide medical assistance in the medical van and community partner locations. The need for continued medical assistance is great. As Dr. Fransisco stated, “I took an oath.” He is not in fear of his life (or the virus) because of serving others. Fear won’t stop his service to help others.

Dr. Fransisco’s statement is the perfect way to summarize why we went on this trip. As Christians, we are to live in the world, but not be of the world – John 17:16.

I encourage you to be bold and faithful. Trusting God to fulfill His promises. When God calls you to “GO” you must go, and He’ll do the rest. He does the hard part, we just have to obey and listen. – Blessings, Jeny Cortez

Thank you again for your continued prayers, support and commitment to STCH Ministries and those we serve. Without your support, these blessings which occurred in the Dominican Republic, and throughout our ministry would not happen. YOU provide the resources to sustain the ministries which impact lives.

As you are led, we ask for your continued participation in helping impact lives daily. If you have any questions about how to get involved, please let me know.

Thank you for helping the Ministry Continue!

The Ministry Continues – Keeping it Social – Distanced!

We are excited to see God continue to work in our ministry through you, our supporters, and those who benefit from our ministries. 

We have prayerfully scheduled events this Fall to keep you engaged and to help sustain and promote our ministry. Our events have been planned and prepared with safety in mind as well as being good stewards of funds and providing helpful resources.

We understand this has been a challenging year for everyone. And we appreciate your commitment to our ministries. You help the Ministry Continue! We have already had one successful event, and hope you will join us for the next upcoming events!

The iCare Conference was held earlier this month. Due to the restrictions and safety of our attendees – we hosted our first-ever virtual event. Approximately 150 people attended, along with featured speaker, Candace Payne (also known as Chewbacca Mom). She was motivating and inspirational to those who attended.

Our sessions were led by the STCH Ministries Family Counseling team as well as other community leaders who provide mental, educational and spiritual guidance.

Topics ranged from:

  • Burn-out for those in ministry
  • Learning about the real dangers of social media
  • Understanding the impact of trauma
  • Setting limits without guilt
  • Potential long term effects of the COVID-10 pandemic 

Being virtual provided the opportunity to reach more participants in the south Texas region. We are privileged to provide training to those serving in professions and roles which help others. 

We are excited to announce our annual Ladies for the Least Event will now be VIRTUAL! It will be a little different than our in-person luncheon – but we faithfully expect to have a successful event. Virtual access will provide women the opportunity to participate no matter where they’re located!

Supporting this event will help fund a NEW ministry project which will make a difference in lives every day! Please join us in changing lives.

Saturday, October 24, 2020
11:00 AM (via ZOOM)

Click here to register: LADIES EVENT!

* Can’t make this date and time? You can still participate! Once you register you will gain access to the recorded event so you can watch and vote – if you purchased a voting ticket. 

Ladies for the Least is comprised of those with a servant’s heart, a group of ladies who are passionate about impacting the lives of children, families and individuals in need of hope – “those who are among the least.” – Matthew 25:30 

One event NOT going virtual is our annual Golf Classic. This is a perfect way to social distance with your friends while enjoying a day out on the golf course and helping support our ministry.

Monday, October 26, 2020
Hyatt Hill Country Golf Club
9800 Hyatt Resort Dr.
San Antonio, Texas 78251

Click here to register: LET’S GOLF!

All proceeds from this tournament will directly support the operational expenses of STCH Ministries.

Thank you again for your continued prayers, support and commitment to STCH Ministries and those we serve. As we navigate this season of COVID-19 we remain faithful and dedicated to God’s Plans for our lives and those in our ministry. 
For we live by faith, not by sight.” – 2 Corinthians 5:7

As you are led, we ask for your continued participation in helping impact lives daily. If you have any questions about the events we’re hosting or want to be more involved, please let me know.  

Thank you for helping the Ministry Continue!

Are You The English Teacher? The story of a new doctor.

My name is Manuel Castillo (Alex), I am 25 years old and I live in the Dominican Republic. This year, thanks to the great help I received from STCH Ministries, I will graduate from college as a Doctor of Medicine.

Two weeks ago, I started helping with medical clinics regularly. This was only my second time doing a medical clinic on my own and I say on my own because I had been part of many others medical clinics along with doctors and nurses, but this time it was different. It was time to stand by myself, with God’s help of course.

I was a little nervous about not knowing what kind of illnesses I would see. Something that made me feel more comfortable was the fact that I knew the school and many of the people who live in the area.

As I thought, among the patients were people I had known for many years. Many of them were children that I knew from helping out at the school. One of the naughtiest kids I ever knew walked into the medical van. When he saw me, he asked to his cousin, “Isn’t he the English teacher?” His cousin smiled and replied, “Yes, that’s him.”

After hearing that expression of amazement, I felt happy, proud and older. The first time I met them the boy was 10 years old and the girl was 8 years old, now they are 16 and 14, respectively. I said to them, “that’s right, I’m your old English teacher, but now I’ll be your doctor.” In that moment I saw inspiration in their faces as they recognized the one who used to be just the boy who helped them learn English had now become the doctor who would help them with their health. This made me realize that the dreams, aspirations and desires to be someone who can influence others (just as I once received help, motivation and inspiration) with God’s guidance, can come true. 

The Ministry Continues – Surviving the Hot Texas Summer!

Dear Friends, 

I hope you are enjoying a typically hot summer. Although it may be amongst uncertain circumstances, one thing is certain – we can always expect sunny, humid and drenchingly hot summers throughout South Texas.

We can also always count on creating summer memories on the campuses too! 
Though it may be hot, our campuses are full of smiles, laughter and hot glistening sweaty faces. God’s Glory shines bright on those glistening faces which we (including you) are serving!

We are in awe of God’s continued blessings upon our ministry and those we serve. Thank you for being part of the glory which God provides.

Here are a few highlights of summer memories at the Boothe Campus and Marshall Ranch.

Thank you for helping the Ministry Continue!

 A Housedad Recalls
  “A former student who graduated is back at Homes for Children for summer break from college, and he asked me for a ride to town so he could get a haircut. I said yes, and we headed into town with my father-in-law who came along for the ride.

As we were making the 25-minute trip to Beeville my father-in-law asked him, “What is one of the best moments in your life?

The young man responded, “Just spending time talking about things of God and discussing the Bible with my housedad and my relief housedad.

His answer is such a blessing! Some of the sweetest moments and relationships made on the campus between kids and houseparents can make a big impact on their lives, creating memories for a lifetime.

 A Former Student at Homes for Children Remembers

“One of the most memorable things for me while growing up on the Boothe Campus, was when I asked my housemom for permission to do something. She told me I needed to go ask PopThe reason she directed me to my housedad, was because she knew that I had never had a father-daughter relationship and it was important that I learn how to do that.”

Some children who come to live at the Boothe Campus may not have strong parental relationships. Therefore when they connect to their houseparents, they are able to develop relationships with parental figures. Although our houseparents are not intended to replace biological parents, they are in place to provide stability, trust, guidance, love and support as they serve our children while in our care.

A Mom Creates Memories with Her Daughters
  The thrill and excitement of achievement creates a life-long memory. This summer we were excited and proud to celebrate one of our moms at Homes for Families. Brittney successfully graduated high school and received her diploma! She is now planning to take training courses to be a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) at La Bahia Nursing Home in Goliad, later this Fall. 

Our Homes for Families staff and residents threw Brittney a graduation party, and her two daughters were there to celebrate with her. She diligently sacrificed to make a change for her life and in the lives of her daughters. Brittney provided the example to her daughters – that grit, determination and hard work can change lives. Not only is she making an impact in her life, but for generations to come! 

 Splish Splash!
The memories of a hot sunny day are filled with sounds of laughter and screams of joy. The gush of water as kids fly down water slides, fun competitive outdoor games and the satisfied craving of Chic-Fil-A all made a FUN-FILLED day provided by a group of donors.

Jason Moore from Buffco Productions and Donald and Terra Calloway from Legacy Safety threw this FUN SUMMER party for our children. HUGE smiles were found on everyone’s faces!

We are grateful to have a diverse group of supporters who find creative ways to bring fun to our children’s lives and create memories!

These summer memories and SO MANY OTHERS are just a glimpse into how God is working to heal, restore and encourage lives.

Those which STCH Ministries serves, including you and me, are all benefiting by seeing the glistening glory of God’s grace and mercy. Whether it be in the drenching hot Texas summer sun, or as you continue to navigate life during COVID-19; God’s Presence does not leave, nor does He forsake you. (Hebrew 13:5)

Thank you for helping the Ministry Continue!

Kyle Luke
Vice President of Development and Communications
STCH Ministries

Foundation & Friendship

Laura Duprie recalls STCH Ministries as a household name in her family for decades. She remembers Christmas parties on Boothe Campus from her childhood. Her heart holds a special place for the early STCH Ministries leaders, friends of her parents, whose kindness still impacts the way she lives life. She tells of her dad, Dale Pogue, working to build what is now the STCH Ministries Family Counseling program with gladness. Laura credits a presentation to the ladies group at First Baptist Church Goliad with sparking her interest in volunteering at Homes for Families.

After hearing the director of Homes for Families, Theresa Klacman, talk, Laura remembers wanting to help. “Theresa quickly invited me to teach and I love it.” Laura teaches Bible studies and gives lessons to help the ladies succeed after leaving the campus – like computer skills, smart shopping tips and parenting classes. She appreciates how well thought through each phase of the ministry has become. “There’s no doubt that prayer covers that whole ministry – which is why it is succeeding and growing.”

Laura remains engaged and involved in the ministry because of the changes she sees in the ladies who work through the ministry phases to find healing. The difference God works not just in their hearts, but also in their faces, inspires her. Often, when ladies first move to the ranch, their eyes reflect bitterness and their shoulders slump beneath the weight of the pain they carry. As they move through the phases and allow God to transform their situations and modify their thinking their outward appearances transform too. “To see them when they come in and watch their countenance change – that’s the most exciting thing,” Laura explains.  She feels as if the Bible comes to life through the transformations she witnesses when laughter returns and their eyes begin to sparkle. The evidence of their testimonies encourages Laura to persist in prayer for her family and friends when they go through hard times. “There have been times when I needed that encouragement to know there is hope for somebody that I was praying for. I love what I do as a volunteer, but it may be selfish in some ways because of what I get out of it!”

Laura’s commitment to helping the moms in the ministry fulfill their personal goals reaches beyond teaching classes. She forms genuine friendships and cares for each of them. Debbie, one of the ladies in Phase III needs help purchasing a car, and Laura helps her decide which vehicles to look at in person. The current owners for one option live in Corpus Christi. Laura does not hesitate to reach out to her one contact there, a friend’s father. The retired Navy mechanical engineer has the expertise to determine the car’s condition and plans to meet Debbie when she goes to look over the car. Laura encourages Debbie, “He’s going to be there to help you, listen to his advice.”

Laura’s friendship and dedication for each lady continues after they leave Marshall Ranch. Whether they leave early without finishing or graduate from the ministry, Laura stays in contact with them. She prays for them and follows them on social media. Online ordering and delivery make it possible to provide a pizza dinner as a reminder that they are not alone. “I do whatever I can do to show them that just because they are out there in the world and live in another city, they are not forgotten.”

From her own experience, Laura understands that following the Lord is a daily choice. “No one gets fixed and stays fixed. In the time it takes to snap your fingers, the habit you worked a whole year to develop can be gone.” Laura recognizes her happy, stable childhood enables her to make healthy decisions today, and sets her apart from most of the ladies living on Marshall Ranch. However, many of their stories reveal one person somewhere who invested in them enough to plant a seed of hope. She knows that God places signposts to remind them, “There’s something better.” Often, those memories lead them to find Homes for Families and give them the courage to make difficult changes in their lives.

Those stories encourage Laura showing her that what she does matters.  “Maybe even the smallest act of kindness can affect someone, down the road they’ll remember that and consider looking into the option of God.” The Bible’s promise that the Word of God doesn’t fall void (Isaiah 55:11) compels Laura to continue helping people however she can. “I love STCH Ministries; it is an amazing, God-driven ministry. I have known since I was a kid that STCH Ministries is full of people who love Jesus. As long as God wants me to continue, I’ll be there,” she promises.

Homes for Families encourages volunteers to pour into the lives of the women and children God brings to the campus. The friendships formed while working through the ministry’s curriculum often provide a mom’s first glimpse of the difference good decisions and dedication to doing right can make in a changed life. If Laura’s experience intrigues you, please contact our staff to discover ways you can volunteer. Teachers, mentors and host families top an expansive list of ways you can take part in healing hearts and sharing hope to single moms and their children. 

The Ministry Continues – God Moves Across Borders

Dear Friends, 

If you don’t already know… your impact crosses waters and borders! We are continuing to be humbled by your continued support. 

Although this summer we were unable to host our mission teams to the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica – our teams on the ground were still blessed by support from our International Team and our donors. With continued gratitude, thank you for helping the Ministry Continue!

Watch this message of gratitude from one of our ministry partners, Russell Jerez. You may have worked alongside him in the Dominican Republic. Click here for the video.

Mercy Trip to the Dominican Republic

We are excited to plan a special Mercy Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic 
August 30 – September 3, 2020.

Our International Team is planning a trip to the DR to encourage our ministry partners and to deliver much-needed supplies that have been donated for ministry and school needs. AND YOU CAN JOIN US! If you’d like to join the mission trip, it would enable us to take more supplies to our partners. We have school supplies and backpacks for schools, equipment such as a computer for medical records, and other resources that are desperately needed. We will stay on-site at the Koinonia at IBQ (our usual location) and are limiting contacts to ministry leaders and staff, while also wearing masks. We are taking safety precautions.

Are YOU ready to join us!? Contact:  

Amanda Yanez

Mark Lozuk

Support for Costa Rica Partners We are grateful for the generous funds we received to build a kitchen for the orphanage “Esperanza Familiar” in Costa Rica from Northside Baptist in Victoria. We are grateful for their continued support. Northside Baptist traveled with us to Costa Rica last summer, in 2019 – and had planned to return again this summer, until COVID-19 affected us all. 

We are grateful they remained committed to our newest ministry partner and location in Costa Rica.

Samuel’s Fund Child & CLEP Student ZOOM Visits
Now we are offering sponsors the opportunity to ZOOM with their Samuel’s Fund child or CLEP student. We make all of the arrangements, ensuring the sponsored child or student, a translator, and one of our Texas staff members is on the call with the sponsor at the appointed time. Our sponsors have really enjoyed this opportunity to connect and visit with them. The children and students are excited to participate too, they love seeing their sponsors! 

Training Knows No Boundaries
For 8-weeks, our DR ministry partners took the Faith & Finances class via ZOOM. Darrell Jackson, Director for the Houston area, taught the curriculum to the DR team. We are prayerful some will become certified facilitators to teach these principles to others in the DR.

In August, Amanda and Stephanie from our Corpus Christi office (both fluent in Spanish) will teach a discipleship class over ZOOM to some of our CLEP  students. This is a great resource to college students as they are becoming independent young adults – who will learn to be good stewards of their finances while honoring God with His financial blessings.

“Declare his glory among the nations,
his marvelous works among all the peoples!” 
Psalm 96:3 ESV

“And the gospel must first be proclaimed to all nations.” Mark 13:10 ESV
We are grateful for your commitment and trust as you invest, through STCH Ministries, in the lives of others.

God has no boundaries, no restrictions, no limits. He provides for those in need, and provides the people to carry out His Plan. We are blessed to be part of His Plan through Your Support.

Thank you for helping the Ministry Continue!

Kyle Luke
Vice President of Development and Communications
STCH Ministries

Fiscally Faithful

Across South Texas from San Antonio to Corpus Christi to Houston, Faith & Finances graduates celebrate a deeper, richer understanding of personal finances with STCH Ministries Faith & Finances curriculum. The curriculum uses an interactive format to teach Biblical principles about money. The twelve-week course, divided into four sections, builds a strong foundation to create lasting values and long-term changes in students’ lives.

Participants from diverse demographics gather in public spaces such as a neighborhood YMCA in San Antonio or local churches across the Houston metroplex and other churches in the heart of Corpus Christi. The COVID-19 crisis pushed everyone to find a way to move forward while keeping each other as safe as possible. Some groups decided to pause from teaching and wait until safety measures allowed them to reconvene in person, while others continued learning through online classes taught by our STCH Ministries team.

The ministry appeals to young couples wanting to start their lives together with sound financial practices. Families with established careers and growing children discover spending plans which help them to live simply and give joyfully. Business leaders and retirees learn to prepare for emergencies and the correct steps to take leading to long-term change. The first trimester ended with eighty-six graduates. The second trimester, ongoing now, has classes across South Texas.

Jason Hall, a Location Director at Attack Poverty in Houston, attended the class at The Waters Church because he wanted inspiration to pay off debts. In the first three weeks of the class, Jason began laying a new foundation for his future. “I learned so much about how faith and finances tie together. My biggest takeaway was the fact that God owns everything. That idea made me realize I have lived all my life in a scarcity mentality, hoarding everything. Now I understand I am stewarding God’s money, I’ll never be the same.” He ended the class with a better understanding of how the handling of his money can bring honor to God.

In the second section of the study, longtime facilitators Jim and Patty Ferguson led their group to discover how to set goals and build budgets. Ignite Community Church hosted this course at the Thousand Oaks YMCA in San Antonio. Altogether, participating families paid off $30,000 in debt as they applied the skills taught. Jim reports, “Several individuals in the group developed a spending plan for the first time and realized what their credit cards were costing them. They comprehended, many for the first time, how much little things cost in the long run.” Javier’s family planned to attend the class together, but his adult children’s work schedules did not fit with the class time. Javier found the information presented so practical and applicable that he taught each lesson over again to his children.

Another Houston area group met at Grace Fellowship Church in Sealy.  Moving through the third section of the course, Darrell Jackson, Director of the Houston Faith & Work | Faith & Finances ministries taught students how to integrate sound practices into their budgets.  Due to the information presented about managing debt and taking on loans, a couple decided to accelerate their car payments. “I completed paying off my truck in one year, which saves me $750 per month. Now I own my truck outright,” the husband said. His wife added, “I paid off two credit cards!” Another family paid off their home equity loan before the study ended.

In Corpus Christi, at Calvary Baptist Church, students finished the class studying methods to protect their assets and consider their net worth as they planned for long-term change. As the course wrapped up, members shared their testimonies of growth. Waukeen Vinson summed up how God has proved His faithfulness through the years. He described the internal struggle he fought about paying a tithe as a new believer. Every time his pastor mentioned the topic he felt a stubbornness surge through his mind insisting that the money he earned was his alone. Once he made that decision, he stopped receiving calls to go into work. After three months, he felt desperate. The next time his pastor mentioned the importance of tithing in a Sunday evening sermon, Waukeen prayed, “If You’ll give me a job I’ll tithe. I’ll tithe for the rest of my life. I just need a job.” The next morning he applied for and received a job at the local refinery. The Faith & Finances study reminded him of what he learned then, “It might be my money when God gives it to me, but it is His to use and my job is to listen to Him. It is God who gives and takes away.” Waukeen kept his promise to God. He has tithed faithfully throughout his thirty-year career at the refinery and beyond as a retiree. He applied the skills taught in the class to arrange his finances so that he can continue to be able to use the resources God provided to bless others.

Faith & Finances classes are open to the public and often include participants who are multi-racial and multi-generational. Individuals from a cross-section of society, from the financially secure to those living on a limited income, young families and singles as well as older adults all find the information timely and helpful. If you, like Jason, wonder how your Christian faith has anything to do with your finances or perhaps you need help putting together a workable budget; Faith & Finances may be what you are looking for. Please visit our website to find information about a class near you.

For more information on the ministry or where you can join a class, please go to

We Are Zooming These Days

If there were ever a time when we need to fix our eyes on Jesus, it is during these days. When we laser-focus on Jesus, all around us gets a bit out of focus. It fades in the Light of the eternal. Chaos? We know God is still in control. Negative predictions? The Alpha and Omega has always been, and will always be enough. Fears for our health and the economy? There have always been stormy seasons in our country and in our lives. The winds and waves cannot overwhelm God’s promises. “Fear not, I am with you even to the end of the age.”

When we lift our eyes over the chaos and uncertainty, we may see new horizons of opportunity. It was devastating to see the Dominican economy shut down and so many precious Christian families facing extreme hunger. But God, who is rich in mercy, allowed STCH Ministries to be perfectly positioned. You generously gave for those needs. Our Dominican ministry partners were full of joy to be chosen by God to make a difference. Through the darkest times, God’s love can shine through each of us.

Recently we have developed another opportunity for ministry—Zooming! That’s right. Eight of our DR ministry partners took the Faith and Finances class. For eight weeks Darrell Jackson from Houston taught this curriculum to the DR staff. Hopefully a few of them will become certified facilitators to teach these principles to others in the DR. Next month Amanda and Stephanie from our Corpus Christi office (both fluent in Spanish) will be teaching a discipleship class over Zoom to some of our CLEP students.


Now we are offering YOU the opportunity to ZOOM with your Samuel’s Fund or CLEP sponsored child. We will make all of the arrangements, including helping download the Zoom app (it’s free), and having the child ready with a translator at the appointed time. Our US staff will also connect. We have “tested” it with a few individuals, and they report they thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Of course, the children were out-of-this-world joyful to participate.

One more opportunity to pray about. If any of you would like to ZOOM on a plane personally to the DR, we would love to include you in a special mercy mission trip. On August 30 – September 3 our staff is planning a trip to the DR to encourage our ministry partners and to deliver much needed supplies that have been donated for ministry and school needs. We would appreciate any volunteers who would want to make the trip and enable us to take more supplies. We have school supplies and backpacks for schools, equipment such as a computer for medical records, and other resources that are desperately needed. We will be staying on site at the Koinonia, and limiting contacts to ministry leaders and staff, wearing masks, and feel we can do this safely. Please contact Amanda Yanez ( or Mark Lozuk ( 361-994-0940 for more information.



Joanna Berry
Joanna Berry
Vice President of Family and International Ministries
STCH Ministries